Ginkgo Trees - One Month In Update - November 2021

This Fall, I planted two very small Ginkgo trees as part of my overall fall planting program.  One in the backyard.  One in the front.  Why two of them?  Because the first one I ordered was broken upon delivery.  I was PRETTY SURE that the tree was going to die.  But, I planted it anyway.  Because that one was broken, the online nursery sent me a second one to plant - and that one showed up in a healthy condition.  Now...about one month later (those were planted the first week of October), what do the trees look like?

First, then broken one.  The tips of the top branches are holding limp, brown leaves.  Not good.  Based on my experience, Ginkgos go yellow before brown.  So, my presumption is that these are lost limbs.

And, for comparison's's the one in the front:  Some browning on the tips, but this one is in a much better place.  Seeing a little bit of that yellowing on the tips, too.  

I'm not sure if I can be certain, but I think I'm operating under the assumption that come Spring, the one in back will not come back.  But, this one in front?  I'm going to mulch it in and hope for the best.


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