A Look at You - The Lunatics Who Read These Posts - January 2022

I was doing a little thinking/looking at this here online Weblog (or diary as I like to think of it) as it relates to the template.  It has been a number of years since I've done any real housekeeping and moving things around.  As part of that process, I thought I'd let some of the data lead the discovery process to understand how most of you are engaging with my diary.  First...let me say that I continue to be amazed that ANYONE reads any of these posts.  I do ZERO promotion of the blog.  I have no ads and cater the posts/topics to an audience of one:  me.  I write MOSTLY as a resource for my own sanity - and to flex my own publishing muscles.  Seth Godin calls it SUSDAT.  I call it SUSDAP.  Shut up, Sit down and Post.  Every.Single.Day.

But, what are *most* of you using to read these diary posts?  By a large margin, you lunatics who are here are reading this post (and everything else) on your mobile device.  

And, you're slightly more iOS than Android.  But, also slightly more Windows than Macs. 

I'm still thinking about re-doing the template here - there are some things that I don't love:  none of the front page has full posts - they're all 'after the jump' posts.  I'd prefer to have full length posts on the homepage.  I also am (now) leaning towards something a little cleaner/white-r in template.  And, finally, I've been keeping a link blog/found objects/need to close a tab, but don't want to lose the link place over the past few years at Parrillo.info.  I'm fond of how Jason Kottke has worked to include his short linkblog links (he calls them "quick links, updated constantly") in the main column of his blog.  Some sort of linkblog/link integration would be interesting to me, but I'm VERY likely the only one that has appeal for in laying out the template. 

Whatever the next V looks like for this online diary, it seems (based on the data above), a mobile-first design is the mandatory entry point.  


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