3 Little Lime Hydrangeas Brought Home - June 2022

Yesterday, I showed a couple of photos showing three new Green Velvet Boxwoods that I bought and planted IB2DWs - right by the gravel path.  In that post, I ran through the 'shrub math' and compared my initial priority list with what I've done (so far).   Here, below, is the initial list with annotations on what has been done so far.  

  • 5 Oakleaf Hydrangeas.  Planted and done. 
  • 8 Viburnum.  4 treeform bought.  3 planted in back.  1 in front.  Call it 5 remaining.
  • 3 Little Lime Hydrangeas.  
  • 3 Tardiva Hydrangeas
  • 1 Panicle Hydrangea.  Planted one of the Doublefile Viburnum here.  
  • 6-8 upright evergreens  Planted six Green Giant Thujas in two spots.
  • 6-8 boxwoods and/or Yews - 3 Green Velvet planted IB2DW.  (at least) 3 left. 

This post is about how I found and brought home three Little Lime Hydrangeas.  Here, below, is what the three of these 2# Little Lime Hydrangeas at the big box nursery. These were $29.98 each and were on a lower rack, kind of tucked-away so they seemed to be handled well in terms of watering.  

Here, below, is the tag showing that these Little Lime are Panicle Hydrangeas from the Proven Winners Collection. 

And, below, is the gate-fold part of the tag that describes these Little Limes as a "pint-sized form of Limelight' that is 'equally reliable and beautiful'.  These get 3-5' tall and wide and are hardy down to Zone 3.  (We're in Zone 5b.)

#1 on my 2022 to-do list is to focus on shrubs.  Check.  

These were  - initially intended -for the southside, but because of the changing shade canopy, I decided to utilize the Little Honey Oakleaf Hydrangeas in that spot.  I had (initially) Oakleaf Hydrangeas spec'd for in front of the Belgian Fence espalier.  Same thing though...with a changing shade pattern, I thought these Little Lime Hydrangeas would be good in that spot.  

I'll get them planted in in the next few days and I'll post the final location. 

The Green Velvet boxwoods were 10, 11, 12, so these three now make 15 shrubs for the season.  That feels like a good number for the season.  


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