Pair of Divided Hostas - Under Southside Oak Tree - October 2022

The time has come to start dividing some perennials.  Why?  Because the temperature has dropped and I find myself with a little bit of time where I can putter in the backyard beds after work before it gets dark.  As a reminder, #12 on my 2022 to-do list was to add more 'free plants' through division - something that I've done the past few growing seasons.   My plan focuses on two different types of plants in our garden:  grasses and hostas.  

Earlier this Summer, I went around and identified a few candidates to work on, but I started with a couple of hostas NOT on that list.  I was out by the large, Northern Red Oak tree in the south beds recently and noticed that a couple of hostas that are planted there have grown enough to be considered good candidates for division.  I dug up two - these are unknown cultivars - and split them.  

I put one from each division in a hole kind of 'around' the oak tree trunk - in a spot of the border that is currently empty.  See below for those two newly planted divisions:

Below, you can see the two *new* hostas on the right.  And, just around the trunk to the left are the original, source hostas that I divided - just beyond the low-slung ones closer to the middle of the photo:

And, here below, is a closer look at the 'source' hostas after they were divided.  As I said earlier, I'm NOT SURE what variety these are as they were inherited either from a teardown or from being on our property.  They have longer stems and large leaves.  I'd call them a tad bit 'leggy'.  

I'll keep dividing and moving hostas this Fall to fill in spaces in the beds.  


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