New Push-Pull Garden Hoe - DeWit - January 2023

Earlier this year, in the 'scorecard' post of my 2022 garden to-do list, I marked the 'upgrade my garden tools' item as 'complete' and mentioned that I was set to explain that with a new tool that I received as a Christmas gift.  This paying off that item - and showing a new Dutch push-pull diamond-shaped garden hoe with p-grip.  This one is from DeWit Garden tools and features a 84" wooden handle - with that p-grip that you can see in the first photo:

Below is a look at the diamond-cutting head of this long, push/pull hoe:

Below is the product label that lists this as: DeWit Dutch Diamond Push/Pull Hoe with Ash Handle - 1700mm.  

And, finally, below you can see the DeWit logo on the metal head that connects to the ash wooden long handle:

This is the second wood-handled garden tool that I have - with the first one being a Sneeboer garden hoe.  In that post, I mentioned that I've been thinking about this very push/pull hoe based on the recommendation from Roy Diblik up in Wisconsin.   Here he is crowing about the long-handled garden hoe:

Seems like weeding is going to be something I can do even more of now - with the addition of this hoe.  It also means that I can start to think about what is next - in terms of upgrading my garden tools - maybe something like this DeWit garden fork that I can use to turn the compost piles


  1. Where did you get it from? (I'm in your area & wondering if you found it locally)


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