Green Velvet Boxwoods Added - Front Porch Bed - May 2023

Last week, I shared my Front Porch Bed plan that included a mix of evergreen shrubs, grasses, roses, bulbs and some perennials and talked about how I was hoping that the combination of soil improvement AND the removal of the Norway Maple will allow for some vigorous growth of the new (and existing) plant material.  This post is showing the area to the 'left' (or south) of the Triumph Elm.  I have five existing Green Velvet boxwoods on the other side of the tree.  So, I opted to carry on that planting with four Green Velvet boxwoods on the other side of the Elm to sort of 'match' the bed.  Below, you can see the small, one-gallon Boxwoods planted in the bed. 

With the tulip foliage still around, the boxwoods are hard to see.  Below is an annotated version of the photo.  Green Velvet Boxwoods in the green circles below.  Disneyland Roses in the orange circles:

From my planning post, I listed the plant material required. Here's where it stands after these Boxwoods:
  • 3 Disneyland Roses (planted)
  • 4 Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses (have them, just need to transplant)
  • 1 Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea
  • 10-12 Ajuga Chocolate Chip
  • 8 (or so) Summer Beauty Allium
  • 4-5 Green Velvet Boxwoods (going to buy small)
  • 8-10 Moor Grassses
  • Flat or two of French Marigolds (Annuals)
Number 1 on my 2023 to-do list was adding 'evergreens'.  When thinking about that goal, these five Green Velvet Boxwoods added to the columnar Scotch Pine tree that I planted in late April make six total evergreens added.   I am planning on planting under the Lindens - so once complete - that will get us close to 20 evergreens for the year.   Just going to try to find a deal on those boxwoods.


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