Transplanted Japanese Anemone x Hybrid 'Pamina' - November 2023

At some point in (I think) 2022, I bought and planted a Japanese Anemone x Hybrid 'Pamina' from Northwind Perennial Farm up in Wisconsin and planted it in a spot on the northside of our backyard.  Turns out, I'm pretty certain that it was the WRONG SPOT.  For this plant.  Too much shade.  You can see the sign at the top of this post that calls for "Part Sun".  It goes on to say:  
Beautiful, easy to grow plants, flowering late in the season in a burst of bright pink.  Lovely in a partially shaded site.  Divide in Spring.  This plant does great with grasses and interplanted with Stachys 'Hummelo'.

"Partially shaded" site is/was my problem, I think.  

What do I have to look forward to - if it succeeds?  From Bluestone Pernnials comes these details - including that it is a "RHS Award of Garden Merit Winner:

One of the most compact Anemone, the elegant bright rose-pink blossoms of broad overlapping petals surround whorls of bright yellow stamens. This beauty will rival the fall-blooming colors of Asters and Mums. From late summer to fall, there is no other flower quite like Anemone in the border. Great for cut bouquets.

One important note:  this plant has NEVER bloomed.  And, I'm not *totally sure* that it is actually a Pamina Anemone.  I went looking back through my photos and took a photo of this sign, so I'm pretty sure it is Pamina.  

Here's the current location - understory and set way back against the fence.

I dug it up and moved it to the southside, right at the far house-side end of the Fanal Astilbes near the front of the border. See below for the transplanted location:

It will get 'part sun' here, so I'm hoping that come next Summer, we'll *know* if it is, indeed, Anemone Pamina.  

Moved in October of 2023 - but posted in November 2023.


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