Island Bed Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' Growth - Late July 2024

The groundcover that I've fallen for in the past few seasons has been Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip'.  I've planted it in a few spots in the front and back.  But, the first planting was in Fall 2022 when I put a couple of plugs from the big box Fall closeout sale in the island bed between our front stairs and driveway.   

This post from August of 2023 shows both the as-planted size and what they looked like nine months later - in August of 2023.  I had three plants then.  Last Fall, I added a few more - the ones along the driveway seem to have made it, but the two tucked in behind the Karl Foerster grasses died back this Spring.  

To date, I haven't divided these, but rather have just let them spread out and naturalize the area.  

Here, below is what it looks like today - with the carpet bugleweed growing out into a dense weed-suppressing mat.  I've started to call this "living mulch".

Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' Groundcover with Karl Foerster Grasses

Here are a few close-up photos below showing the groundcover and the growth it has put on - in just under a year - since last early August.  The 'peak' still isn't covered, but a few of these plants are now creeping *around* the Karl Foerster grass clumps. 

Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' Groundcover

Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' Groundcover

This Fall, I'll be on the lookout for even more of this groundcover.  Suppresses weeds and lowers my mulch bill.  


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