Pizza Oven Dome Goes Vertical - Chain Two and Three - September 2024

Last week, the pizza oven dome went vertical with the first chain rising above the solider course.  Today, I'm showing a few more photos of even more vertical construction.  First, I've learned from the FornoBravo community that part of mortar'ing in a chain of bricks on the dome *should* include the placing and mortar'ing of an 'anchor brick' for the next course/chain.  You can see that below - in the first photo.  I set the first brick of the second chain (soldier + 2) in the middle of the back of the dome.  I did this one evening, then let it set.  I came back the next night and was able to mortar in the bricks to the side while using this fixed brick as an anchor.

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build

Below you can see that anchor brick with the rest of the chain:

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build

From there, the dome keeps rising:

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build

Below you can see the pitch starting to be created by the IT / dome gauge.  

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build

Below is the solider + three chains.  Four in total - from the outside of the dome.  

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build

And here, below, is the same view from the inside:

Placing Firebricks in DIY Wood-fired Pizza Oven Dome Build


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