In Memoriam - Four Deaths in 2023 (So Far)
Like they do at the Hollywood Awards shows, I should (if I had more time) make a montage video marking the "In Memoriam" of everything that we've planted and died. I suppose this post - showing four trees that didn't make it through Winter this year - will have to do (for now).
First tree lost: our first Japanese Maple: Tamukeyama. Too bad. I'll try to replace this with another Japanese Maple.

The last one, that I don't have a photo of (because...I'm pretty sure the dang rabbits gnaw'd it all the way down to the ground) is the Shagbark Hickory. It, too, is struck out below.
With this update, I am changing some of the stats. 2023 marks my seventh tree-planting season.
The Columnar Scotch Pine was the 78th tree planted and the only tree planted in 2023 (so far).
With these four deaths, we (now) have 52 of 78 trees that we've planted.
78 trees planted/7 growing seasons = 11.14 trees on average planted each season
52 trees alive/7 growing seasons = 7.48 trees on average survive each season.
1. Flowering Pear in backyard on north side.
3. Japanese flowering cherry
4 and 5: 2 Lindens that I espalier'd and placed by the south fence line near our kitchen windows.
7. Nat's Saucer Magnolia in our front yard
2018 (17 planted. 6 Dead):
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. These Frans Fontaine Hornbeams.
22. A replacement Chanticleer Pear tree (3" caliper) out front by our garage
25. Our replanted/replacement Dawn Redwood. Same spot as the first.
26. This teeny-tiny Bald Cypress that I planted in the front yard, in between our driveway and our neighbor to the north.
33. My new Weeping White Spruce that will only grow about 4' wide placed near the fence line alongside the espalier'd Lindens.
35. T
46. A small Northern Red Oak tree - our first Oak tree planted.
47. A 'decapitated' Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud that I planted on a whim.
49. A tall(ish) London Plane tree that suffered some transplant and frost shock, but seemed to recover.
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