Serendipity Allium - Fall Dividing - October 2024

Last Fall, I took the pair of Serendipity Alliums and divided them into five 'clumps' that I transplanted into two spots IB2DWs.  I started with three, but one didn't make it.  So, I put three back in the original location and put the other two further down IB2DWs (extended).  I've noted how I really LOVE Serendipity - it gives me everything I like in Summer Beauty - but more.  Longer bloom time.  Later bloom time.  Just all-around better performers.  So, why not divide them and get *more* of Serendipity.  

I've had a lot of luck dividing Summer Beauty, but there's no sense in spending time dividing those right now when I'm looking to upgrade them with Serendipity.  

As part of Fall Planting, I decided to divide one of them into three clumps (+2 free plants) to get our garden a few more of these.  

Below is a look at the 'before' bed - with the Serendipity Allium that I was planning on dividing on the right - you can see it dug-up a little bit.  

Dividing Serendipity Allium in Fall

I divided it in two and took half of the clump and transplanted it down by the two divisions from last Fall (around one of the Baby Blue Spruce trees IB2DWs extended).  You can see the new one on the left of this photo below and the existing ones (from last Fall) on the right:

Dividing Serendipity Allium in Fall

And, here below, is a look at the replaced 1/2 clump of Serendipity Allium on the right below.  

Dividing Serendipity Allium in Fall

This gave me a +1 plants via division.     #11 on my 2024 to-do was to 'focus on fall planting'.  

Add this one to various divisions and new plantins and I find myself looking at a total of 22 'new plants' for 2024.  That feels pretty good.     Last year, I did 26 divisions and that felt like a blow-out dividing season.  

2024 Divisions: 10 'free plants'
2023 Divisions: 26 'free plants'

2024 new plants:  12 new
2023 new plants:  68 new

Here's my math: +2 trees, +2 John Greelee Grasses, +6 Ajuga + 2 Stachys = +12 planted. And...+1 red swtichgrass, +1 mystery grass,  + 2 Autumn Moor Grasses  +  2 Carex Montana + 3 Karl Foerster Grasses + 1 Serendipity Allium = +10 by division.

22 total 'new plants' in Fall 2024.  And. +3 off-site (My Mom's garden).  25 total.

Fall Planting 2024 List


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