Done: Gold Cone Junipers Wired Up

One of the items on my 2019 gardening to-do list (addendum) was to make sure I got around to wiring up the new Gold Cone Junipers that I planted this Spring.   When I picked them up, I was drawn to the promise of their bright needles and how they filled a big part of my desire to add conifers to our landscape.  In that original post, I referenced how a pro-gardener recommended that these particular junipers get wired up to avoid any sort of Winter/snow damage. 

That's what this post is for:  documenting that I actually wired them.  The top photo shows one of the Gold Cone Junipers all wired up with a green coated metal garden wire.  Compare that photo above with the photo of the same shrub in this photo.  I tucked in all the leggy new growth and bound it to the core of the plant. 

Here's a closer look at the wire: 

The shrub in the foreground is wired up.  The one in the background is not (yet!).

There were seven items on my 'to-do list addendum' for this year.    I'm crossing this one off that list. 


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