Can I Listen to Christmas Music?

Via Can I Listen to Christmas Music?
I neglected to post a link to my annual Christmas Music project earlier this season.  So, I'm getting to it now:  Can I listen to Christmas music?  (v2). 

Why V2?  Welp, that's because V1 is still up at the original URL, but I wanted to try something a little different - and more simple. 

Once the season passes, I'll put in a redirect from the old site to the new one - which I think serves the most basic of purposes:  notifies you if you can or can not listen to Christmas music. 

I posted about this project last year in November
And on November 2nd of 2016

The old, V1 site, has lots more stuff - including a countdown clock, email subscriptions, etc.  I'll work to port those over, but for now, there's just one page and a simple answer:  Yes.    It is built on a responsive template, so it looks identical in both desktop and mobile. 

Come January something, I'll flip it back over to 'no'.  The new template makes that change much more simple - just a 'new post' that drops the old post off the homepage and into the archives. 


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