Waterslide Hosta Planted - September 2020

Yesterday, I posted a photo of one of the Hostas that I bought at the Fall Plant Sale (Praying Hands) and talked about how I studied the shade to try to pick the right spot that provided the conditions while also placing it so I could enjoy looking at the plant.  Today, I wanted to add to the garden diary the other hosta - Waterslide.  This is the ruffled one that I posted about earlier this month when I bought it.

I ended up planting the Waterslide hosta adjacent to the three Japanese Evercolor Everillo Sedges that are planted at the base of our Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree.  You can see the Waterslide hosta on the left of the photo below.

Just like the Sedges, I mulched the Waterslide hosta in with wood chips and have been trying to water it to get it established this Fall.  

The plan in this area calls for the inclusion of Ostrich Ferns, so if you recall the back of the tag of this Waterslide Hosta, you'll see that both Sedges and Ferns are listed as companions.  And... the back of the tag for these Sedges mentions ferns and hostas as companion plants.  So, Sedges, Hostas and Ferns all work together.  

Similarly to the Praying Hands hosta, I'm hoping that we'll see enough growth on this Hosta over the next few seasons that would allow for me to divide this one to make two or three to make a little mass of Waterslide hostas. 


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