Garden Diary - Where to Plant Tulip Bulbs in Front Yard - April 2021

The tulip bulbs that I planted last Fall in the front yard (I planted 57 of them last Fall) have really come up this Spring.  I'll take a proper photo of all of them - from the front - when they are all flowering.  But, for now, I wanted to document the location of the bulbs and where I can add even more this Fall.  From the front porch, this is the view of the stand of tulips around the Norway Maple tree:

I wanted to post this on the blog in the Garden Diary so I remember WHERE to plant this Fall's bulbs to really fill in this area with tulips - so I circled these areas in the photo below.  I can see surrounding this tree with even more bulbs.

I've posted about these tulips this Spring - first when they came up.  And then again, when they were covered in snow.  


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