Five Amaryllis Bulbs Showing First Growth - November 2021

Back in the middle of November, we moved ahead with our annual tradition of planting Amaryllis bulbs in an attempt to have some "Christmas Flowers".  Here's the post showing all five of the bulbs (2 large ones, three smaller ones) planted in their containers from earlier this month.   And, here's a post showing the tags of all three varieties of bulbs that we're going with this Winter.  About 10-or-so days after planting and watering them in, we have some good news:  all five of the bulbs have sprung to life.  Some more than others.  But, life in all five never-the-less.  

First up, the trio of Red Lion bulbs from Home Depot.  These are the smaller ones.  All three have taken off and are showing not just some foliage, but all three of them appear to be sending up their first flower bud out of the bulb.  Those Red Lions are below:

Next up, the Lemon Star.  This is one of the larger ones from Wannemaker's and was the one I was most concerned about.  While the other four were showing growth, this one stayed asleep.  But, over the weekend, we saw some action with the first tip of foliage sprout up and emerge from the bulb.  A sigh of relief as this one was picked out by the Bird.  I didn't want her to be discouraged with a dud of a bulb.  Below, you can see that tip emerging and of note...the color of the foliage is, indeed, lime.  The lightest of all of them green-wise.

And, below is the largest of all the bulbs - the Sunshine Nymph.  This one is the furthest ahead with a set of foliage already standing tall a couple of inches above the bulb.  On the left of the bulb head, you can see the first bud stalk starting to emerge, too.

Another note:  I found a couple of plant supports on Amazon that I'm trying out this year that you can see in the photos.  The goal is to keep the flower from getting too leggy with vodka, but if it goes up tall, the wire plant support will (hopefully) keep it from tumbling over.  Once these show a little more growth, I'll start watering them in regularly.  


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