Firewood Consumption - Early February 2022

The last time that I did a Firewood check for the diary was back when we had our Fall delivery in October of 2021.  That was three full facecords - one Cherry, one Birch and one 'Super Mix' (a combo of Oak and Hickory).  We're now four full months later in terms of burning season and it was time to note where we stood in terms of tracking how much is left and whether we need to reorder.  

Looking back at that October post, it seems that I started the season with the 'inside racks' being mostly full.  That meant that I filled up the two outdoor racks, the stoop rack (plus a side pile) and a stand-alone stack in the garage.  

Where are we standing today?  The outdoor racks have been basically exhausted.  My strategy was to pull from these racks early in the season - while the weather was nice and we didn't have a lot of snow on the ground.  As things got colder and there was snow, I'd move to the stoop and garage racks.  That worked - and I've left the inside racks as-is and they are still full.

Here are those two inside racks.  Both of them (all 3 slots) are full-up still in early February 2022.

There are a few pieces on top of this rack.  This wood has been on hand since early 2021.  It started as being stacked in the garage, then I moved it to our outdoor racks when Spring arrived.  In anticipation for the Winter/Fall delivery, I filled these 'inside racks'.  So, this wood was seasoned (or kiln-dried) when it arrived.  And now has been aging for a full calendar year.  

The stoop has a rack - and it was full-up when the Fall delivery was stacked.  I also stacked up a similar-size free-standing stack next to it.  And a smaller stack on some pavers.   The rack is still (mostly) full.  But the free-standing piles are gone.  

And, finally...the garage pile.  It is about 1/3rd the size it started. 

So, where does that net us out?  

In the 2021 season, we ordered seven face cords.  Three in the Fall. Two in January.  And two more in February.   Say we had two or so left over and we added three.  That means we had five on hand.

What do we have left?  The indoor racks probably hold just shy of a facecord.  Same with the stoop rack.  Combined with the garage pile, let's say we're down to 1.5.  We've burned through 3.5 to 4 in October, Nov, Dec and Jan.  

Based on history, we'll be fine for the balance of the Winter.  When we re-open the screened porch in a few weeks, we'll continue to burn out there and use the wood on those racks.  

I'll plan on ordering in 2022 earlier than I normally do (Sept/Oct) with the goal of getting seasoned or kiln-dried wood on hand with enough time to give it a proper six-month seasoning of my own.

I also need to build out two more racks - a second one for the stoop.  And one for the garage.  

But, how much to order?   I'm thinking of having a face cord per month - for Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb - so five in total.  But, maybe four?  Have to balance having all the wood on hand with having ENOUGH PLACE to store and keep it.  I can put up three in the existing racks and stoop space and a garage pile.  If I clear out the indoor racks this Spring, I can do four.   With a little more work in the garage, I could get five.

Will have to remember to revisit this post when Spring comes and we run out of wood. 


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