Front Yard Ornamental Grasses Divided and Transplanted - May 2022

I've posted a series of times about the Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses that we have in our landscape and how I've been digging them up, dividing them and transplanting them to various spots of our beds to provide that notion of a cohesive design with repeating patterns of specific plants.  I started doing this last Fall and then did even more this Spring after realizing that the ones I divided last Fall were just fine.   Last week, I showed how I made eight new divisions in the backyard and planted them in various places in the backyard.  The final Karl Foerster grass that I needed to dig up and divide was this large one in between our driveway and front walk stoop.  It was left there as a hedge - but is suffering from some center rot.  It needed to be divided.  See below for the 'before'.  The two further back were divisions from last Fall and are showing some new green tips this Spring:

After digging that one out and dividing it up, I put one of the segments back in place.  Below, you can see the current state of this bed with the three Karl Foerster grasses.  (This photo makes me realize that I REALLY need some flowers and ground cover in this spot.)

I was able to get four divisions from that one mother grass.  Having put one back in place, that left me with three more.  Where did I put them?  Along the property line - IB2DWs.  See below for that (now) row of six grasses on the back of the bed:

That's (kinda) hard to see, so here (below) is an annotated version of the photo.  The grasses in the blue circles are the two legacy grasses planted last year and one late Fall division.  The three in the green circles are the newly divided clumps creating this row of six ornamental grasses that (now) span from the gravel walkway all the way down to the Bald Cypress tree planted at the West edge of that bed.    

These are fronted by five All Gold Japanese Forest grasses and some various Allium (Serendipity, Pinball Wizard bulbs) as well as a little Creeping Jenny groundcover that is (currently) gold.   The All Gold grasses are always late starters and are behind the Karl Foerster grasses, but are beginning to emerge from the soil with their grass tips.   This area is starting to shape up, but needs a bit more structure from shrubs - I'm thinking some boxwoods tucked in by the gravel pathway.  And, some perennials near the driveway edge. 

I'm tagging this in the 2022 to-do list tag due to #4 being "Enhance the IB2DW Area".  This further that objective and task.  


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