Redrum Purple Fountain Grass - Patio Container - July 2022

Last year, I planted a fountain grass in the big cast iron urn.  It was a Pennisetum - but named 'Fireworks'.  This year, I brought home another purple fountain grass and put it in a container. was a different grass AND a different container.  The grass is Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'.  See below for the nursery container.  And...importantly, you'll see that when it comes to hardiness, it goes down to *just* 30 degrees.  That means...for me (Zone 5b), this is an annual.  

I decided to put this in - by itself - a white container that lives on our back stoop.  A full sun spot.  I planted it about three weeks ago.

How is it doing?  Seems to be happy.  See below for a look at the first flower plume that has emerged from the crown.  Nice, gently arching stem that I hope more will follow.  


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