Southside Gate Landing Area - Grass Transplant - November 2022

Posting a photo and trying to take a 'partial dubya' for a down-list item on my 2022 to-do list in the garden and yard.  This is an item that I was pretty sure I wasn't going to solve - and in fact - stated that on my late-season check-in.  But...I wanted to post here in the [garden diary] a note to show that I should take a partial victory.  Why?  I transplanted a small Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass that was under the Norway Maple to back by the gate.  See below, for a photo of the grass next to the fence gate on the south side:

#24 on the list this year read like this:

Clean up the south side gate entrance area. Expand the bed forward towards the street (and fill in the gully), lay out large flagstones for walkway and add self-closing gate hardware. Think about cleaning out strawberries that have run wild there and (potentially) expand the beds under the Lindens.

This grass is helpful in moving that from 'kinda' to 'yes...a little bit'.   


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