Allium Bulgaricum Blooming - June 2023

Back in Fall of 2021, I planted some new (to me) Allium bulbs around the beds including 15 Bulgaricum bulbs.   They were bought on a whim - I didn't know much about them - but their photos were quite dramatic.  So, in my online shopping cart they went.  (That's one of the fun things about Fall bulbs, I guess:  you order them in the Summer and then kind of forget about them until they ship in the Fall.)

Last year was their first year to bloom and I don't remember them very much.  They might have bloomed, but I think it was limited.  This year, though....they're putting on a little show.  See below for the Allium Bulgaricum chandeliers of flowers (I'm calling them 'chandeliers'.)  

I don't count 15 of these in the garden, but I do see a handful of them popping up in different spots.    Would I put them in the same spots today as they are located now?  I'm not sure.  

White Flower Farm has a product listing up for these and include a mention that they may 'self sow', talk about where to plant them and that the flower lasts a while:

...These creamy, bell-shaped blooms tinged green and pink hang from baseball-sized flowerheads, and the gray-green leaves take on interesting spiral twists. The papery, tan seedpods turn upwards as they mature. Will self sow. For us, the bloom time of Allium bulgaricum overlaps with that of Tall Bearded Iris and Baptisia.

The genus Allium (the Latin means "garlic") offers colorful, distinctive, and long-lasting forms that are standouts in the early summer garden. Alliums are sun-lovers and prefer well-drained, even sandy, soil. Deer, mice, chipmunks, and related predators generally avoid this group, so you can plant with impunity. Tuck them among clumps of summer-flowering perennials where the Allium's withering foliage will be hidden by the expanding perennials.
(emphasis, mine.)

Perhaps another set of 15 should go on my Fall bulb planting list for 2023.  What's that?  I don't have a Fall bulb 2023 planning list yet?  I do now.  

Tucking them in spots that include Summer-flowering perennials (like...Astilbes, heucheras and some of the clumping grasses) seems like a good idea.


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