Shaggy Shield Fern Update - September 2023

Last Fall, I divided two Shaggy Shield Ferns into four clumps and transplanted them to the edge of the border with the hopes that they'd take the spot of some (fallen-out-of-favor) Ostrich Ferns that I had in this bed.  I planted them in a row and then attempted to water them in all Fall.  

Earlier this Spring, I stuck six (6) Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' plugs in the same bed both in-front-of and behind the locations of the Shaggy Shield Ferns.  At that time....(Late May), I thought that I had lost ALL of the divided ferns as none of them had thrown up new growth.    They all appeared dead.  A setback when it comes to dividing ferns.  

Fast forward to today.  I was puttering around and realized that SOME of those Fall 2022 Shaggy Shield Divided ferns had made it.  I had two ferns last Summer, divided to make four small ferns.  Today...I'm back up to three Shaggy Shield Ferns.  See below for a photo showing the Shaggy Shields that have come back:

There's a lot going on in that photo, so here (below) is an annotated version.  

Orange = Shaggy Shield Ferns

Teal = Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip'

Yellow = Tassel Ferns

Purple = That transplanted Green Velvet Boxwood from the front yard

White = a volunteer Northern Catalpa tree

Green = pair of Karl Foerster grasses that I stashed here and likely need to move.


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