What Prairie Dropseed Looks Like After Two Years - May 2024

I bought and planted a couple of Prairie Dropseeds (Sporobolus heterolepis) in the Spring of 2022.  They're highly sought-after from all kinds of gardeners - native folks, new perennial movement people, even more formal gardeners.   And they did...nothing.  Like..nothing. They looked like a short clump of Kentucky Blue Grass that was out of place in a garden bed.  That's how they looked in their first year (2022) and their second year (2023).  

This Spring, I cut everything back to the ground and suddenly...the Prairie Dropseed is showing itself with a lot more growth and a bunch of seed heads.  Here, below is the one that I can identify - IB2DWs.  Looks lovely:

Prairie Dropseed After Two Years

Prairie Dropseed After Two Years

I can see the appeal in these now.  Can they be divided?  I hope so.


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