Prairie Dropseed from Morton Arboretum - May 2022

When I did the series of posts showing off the various plant materials that I brought home from the annual Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale, I forgot to include a couple of plants that I bought.  I showed the Little Honey Hydrangeas, Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangeas and the three Ivory Prince Hellebores.  But, I also brought home two grasses:  Prairie dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis.  Here (below) is a look at the two grasses:

And, here below, is the sign from the Morton Arboretum Plant Sale where they describe Prairie Dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis as "Prairie native grasss that is extremely tough. Makes a great natural addition to the home landscape with beautiful, dense and arching clumps of fine textured leaves.  Flowers have a unique fragrance."

The University of Wisconsin Horticulture Extension Office has a page on Prairie Dropseed that provides a few more details:

It was was named a Plant of Merit by the Missouri Botanical Garden in 2005 and was selected as the Wisconsin Nursery and Landscape Association’s herbaceous perennial of the year 2018.

Why is a post by the University of Wisconsin interesting to me?  Because of where I first came across (or...'got to know' Prairie Dropseed) was with Wisconsin's own Roy Diblik.  

Below is a look at the front/back of the tags that came with my two small Prairie Dropseeds:

Where are these going to go?  All of the other Morton Arboretum Plant Sale buys are headed to the backyard.  That means that I need to give the front a little bit of love.  #4 on my 2022 to-do list is to 'enhance the IB2DW strip', so that's a natural spot for these.  There are two spots:  down by the sidewalk or up near the Bald Cypress.  Also, #5 of the list was to 'fall in love with groundcover'.  These check *that* box, too.  


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