Nicotiana Jasmine - Tall and Blooming - Late September 2024

I planted a full packet of Nicotiana Jasmine seeds - direct sown - in a new bed on the southside of my house this Summer.  The seeds came from Nat's Mom; who grows Nicotiana in a couple of varieties each year.  The seeds are tiny specs and they don't need to be buried very deep.  So...I sprinkled them, put a little bit of soil on top and walked away.  What happened next was, well, surprising.  After planting the seeds, I quickly saw a huge number of seedlings pop up.  "Great!", I thought.  

Weeks went on and the seedlings kept getting taller.  But...something was off.  The foliage was NOT matching the other Nicotiana that I had in the garden.  

After looking at it for a couple of days, I realized I didn't have Nicotiana Jasmine.  I had a HUGE MESS OF POKEWEED.  I chopped, yanked and pulled every bit of it.  And discovered that I had - after all - a couple of Nicotiana Jasmine seedlings buried in the mess.  I left those.  

And...watered them in during the heat of the Summer.  By early first Nicotiana Jasmine plant was in bloom.  White flowers.  Short, compact plant.  

Today, five-or-six-weeks-later, more Nicotiana Jasmine is in bloom.  This time, it is a taller plant.  I'd say it is probably 4-feet-plus-tall.  And, loaded with buds.  And, a couple of blooms.  See below for one of the big, fragrant blooms that appeared in the past few days:

Nicotiana is known as a "reseeder" - it will reseed itself; if given the right opportunity.  I've grown Nicotiana Jasmine on this same side of the house before - here's a look at my 2019 plant.  I left that one as-is over the Winter and I didn't get any reseeding.  Here's hoping that changes for 2025.

One more note:  #2 on my 2024 to-do list was to push thru on flowers.  I marked that one 'complete' during my check-in earlier this month, but failed to mention these in that grouping.  


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