Orange Nugget Dahlia - In Bloom - Late September 2024

 Earlier this Spring, I bought a package of three Orange Nugget Dahlia tubers at big box retail.  They were billed as being compact - less than 30" - and  So, it was a no-brainer.  I started the tubers inside, but moved them out after the threat of frost had passed.  I planted them in the new 'cut flower' bed on the southside of the house.  

From the beginning, these Orange Nuggets were behind my other dahlias - specifically the Melina Fleur and Cornell Bronze varieties.  

But, over the past month or so, the plant grew up and out. - in Late September - is full of blooms and buds.  Below is a look at what these Orange Nugget Dahlia plants look like in the morning:

Orange Nugget Dahlias - In Bloom. Compact shape, thin stems.

I count seven-or-eight blooms in that photo and a dozen-or-more buds that will open soon.  They're not huge, but nice-sized flowers.  I'd describe them as 'delicate'.    The stems, however...are also 'delicate'.  Or...maybe a better way to say it is that the stems are thin.   And...comparing them to my other cut dahlias like the Melina Fleur...they are NOT nearly as sturdy - or...not super stiff.  They're not floppy.  But...closer to 'floppy' than 'stiff'. 

I didn't stake these, so that's a lesson learned for next year - as I think the could use it.  Also...the Moonflower sort-of ran over this whole section.  

The other thing that I need to remember:  Expand this bed.  These are running right up past the border/edge.  I could say that for about 10 spots in our front/back yard.  Put it on the 2025 list, Jake.  Put it on the list. 

Would I grow these again?  Yep.  I'll dig them up and try to preserve them over the Winter.  


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