Two New Summer Beauty Allium Via Division - November 2023

The last few Falls, I've divided a great number of Summer Beauty Alliums.  This year, I didn't get to all that many, but I *did* add a few 'free' plants.   There was a pair of them flanking the Baby Blue Spruce in back that were getting pretty big.  You can see them below - on the right in the first photo and more in the middle in the second:

I dug them both up and divided each - then replaced them in their spots. 

Those two new plants - via division - went in on that side of the garden.  One behind the fence - Hosta Replacement.  The other by the Disneyland Roses.

Two 'free plants'.  That I KNOW perform.  That's like free money, right?

With these two, I BELIEVE that I've wrapped up Fall Planting posts.

What's the total from below?  

Holy crap.  I planted 68 new things.  Created 26 new plants via division.  Adding 94 total things to the garden in a four-week sprint.  30 ground cover plants make up almost 1/3rd of the 94.  Wow.

94 things in the garden that weren't there in September.  I'm blown away.

I'm posting this in November 2023, but I did this transplanting in mid-October 2023.

My 2023 Fall Planting List - so far - includes a number of new and divided plants.  

Now up to 68 new plants.  And 26 new via division.  94 total for 2023 #FallPlanting.  30 of them are groundcover plants.  Eight sedums.


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