Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangeas - Morton Arboretum Plant Sale - May 22

 Yesterday, I started with the first set of plants that I picked up at the Morton Arboretum Plant Sale:  three Little Honey Oakleaf Hydrangea.  In that post, I talked about the sale (it is really great) and how I went in with a plan (shrubs first, others second).  I was able to (mostly) stick to my plan and brought home a total of five flowering shrubs - three Little Honey - and two Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangeas. 

Again....I'll mention:  #1 on my 2022 to-do list was to focus on shrubs.  And, these two Ruby Slippers pays that off.  In my 'shrubs' post where I listed out needs, I talked about five Oakleaf Hydrangeas.  Turns out, I *think* that I really need either eight (three more) or (maybe) just five, but three more of SOME OTHER kind of dwarf flowering shrub.  

Before we talk about placement, let's look at Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'.  Below are the two that I brought home:

Below is the sign at the Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale.  It describes Ruby Slippers Hydrangea as:   "Large oakleaf-shaped leaves turn from deep green to rich mahogany in autumn. Florets turn from white to pale pink and finally to rich ruby-red through summer."

You had me at mahogany.

Here (below) is the plant tag from the nursery container:

As for placement, I originally had a stand of Alice Oakleaf Hydrangeas on the southside of our yard.  A combination of traditional and some dwarf.  After getting a little smarter on garden layering, I decided to move them out a bit and plant some upright evergreens *behind* them.  When I did that, I ended up with one too many.   I ended up moving ONE of those Alice Oakleaf Hydrangeas to the north side where the plan called for a cluster of THREE Oakleaf Hydrangeas.  This is in the area that is triangulated between the Dawn Redwood, the Weeping Nootka Falsecypress and the Harry Lauder Walking Stick (corntored) tree.   It is also just to the West of where I planted three Green Giant Thujas and transplated the four legacy Lilac shrubs.  

I'll get these dug in quickly and then try to baby them through Spring and Summer.  I know that the dang rabbits love them some Oakleaf Hydrangeas, so I'll have to protect them this Winter. 


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