Overseeding an Overseeded Lawn - September 2022

Last week, I posted the details of how I was overseeding and renovating my backyard with a mix of Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue seeds.  In this post, I went over how I was attempting to pre-germinate the seed by soaking it in water for five days in an attempt to speed-up the process once I scattered the seed.  Well...I went ahead and scattered the seed using e-Corganite as the spreading and drying agent with the wet, pre-germinated seed.  As a reminder, I put down 30 pounds of seed across about 10k square feet in our backyard that was made-up of 10# of KBG and 20# of Tall Fescue seeds.  I applied it at different rates to different parts of the yard.  

But, then I panicked.  As I walked around the yard, not only did I NOT see any seedlings, I saw a bunch of what sure seem like blank spots.  Just dirt.  No seeds.  Yikes.  I thought that maybe I didn't put down enough seed.  Or that it had washed away.  Especially on the sides.  

So, I rushed out and bought another bag of seed.  Tall Fescue seed.  This is the same stuff that I planted last year and came up in a big clump in the near backyard.  See below for the 3# bag of Vigoro seed from the orange big box store:

And, here below, is the makeup of this seed back: 50% tall fescue seeds. 50% of 'seed coating material'.  So...we're really talking about 1.5 pounds of additional seed, right?

I took this seed and hand-spread it around to various spots.  

This is what I'd call an overseeding-of-an-overseed.  As a cya, of sorts.

This application sets me back a week in terms of watering timeline, but I'm hoping that I'll see some seedlings emerge from the first batch and my worries about the overseeding/renovation not working will recede.  


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