Disneyland Roses - Late September Blooms - September 2022

Our Disneyland Roses - which are Floribunda Roses - have a cyclical bud --> bloom cycle that hits a few times each growing season.  In late September, I'm seeing this cycle hit for what I think is the third time this season and what is usually the LAST of the bud--> bloom cycles.  The last time that I posted about the blooms was back in mid-June when they were looking great.   That was their first bloom cycle.  Sometime in early/mid August was cycle number two.  And, right now, we're at the beginning of cycle number three.

See below for a couple of photos showing all three Disneyland Roses.  First are a pair that are closest to our backyard.  The one on the left is the OLDEST, but it was transplanted this past Spring, so it is the smallest.  You'll also note that the pair of espalier-in-training Sugar Tyme Crabapple trees behind the roses below:

The third Floribunda rose is set about fifteen feet to the East - towards our front porch - on the other side of our basement window well.  You can see that one in the photo below - showing the middle Disneyland Rose on the left for size.

I fed these roses four times:  In late May, in late June, in mid-July and again in mid-August.  

Last year, I planted some allium bulbs around these, but I do need to revisit this post from 2021 when I talked through some companion plants - (allium) and think about planting some additional companions around these roses.  

Left on my 2022 to-do list is to prepare these for Winter with leaf mulch in a chicken wire frame.


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