Twinkle Toes Lungwort Transplant Project - September 2022

Yesterday, I posted a couple of photos showing the transplant location of three purple Astilbes that I moved from the north bed to the south bed where they're (now) tucked in amongst some other Fanal Astilbes.  In that post, I mentioned that this was the first of my early Fall transplant moves that I was planning to take on as the weather begins to turn cooler.  On my [Fall 2022] task list was another transplant project:  Twinkle Toes Lungwort.  

I planted three of these Lungwort in the south bed back in the Fall of 2020 and they've done really well over the past two growing seasons.  All three of them have put on size and are really lovely dotted silver, low border-loving plants.  

In my post from a couple weeks ago, I mentioned that I wanted to dig these up and move them closer to the front of the bed.  The reality is that they're low-lying plants and need to be closer to the front so I can plant something more intermediate behind them.  

And, here below, shows the post-transplant layout.   I moved one of them to live 'in front of' the small, cracked Ginko tree and the staggered the other two closer to the front of the bed.  I put the smallest one in front hoping that it will get the most care in that spot.

By moving these up, it not only allows for these Lungwort to be 'seen' a bit more, it also creates a larger space behind them that would allow for the planting of a flowering shrub.  What kind of flowering shrub you ask? The plan calls for some Tardiva Hydrangeas that sit in front of the Green Giant Arborvitae that I planted earlier this year.  

I also think that I'd like to weave in a few All Gold Hakone Japanese Forest Grasses on this side of the garden to bring some repetition to that particular grass.  


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