Firewood Consumption Check-in - Late January 2023

The last time that I ran a [firewood consumption] check-in for this season was seven weeks ago on December 1st.  At that time - which was 60 days into the burning season - we had emptied the smaller sideyard rack (and replaced it with Norway Maple) and had burned about 1/3rd of the larger one.  The two inside racks were - at that time - mostly full.

I consider the burning season to be 5 months long - about 150 days.  October, Nov Dec = 90 days.  Jan, Feb = 60 days.  Total of 150 ending on March 1st.  

Where are we today?  115 days out of 150 = 76% thru the season.

The most-recent comparison is from this past February when I had quite a bit of wood left.  See this post.  At that point, the two inside racks were full (just like now), the stoop rack was full and there was a pile inside the garage.  

Let's look at the racks as they stand today.  First...the two inside racks are, indeed full.  No photos of those.  But, the stoop rack - looks like last February and is 'mostly' full.  See below:

The outside racks?  Emptied of seasoned, kiln-dried wood.  The rack on the left (photo below) is full of recently split Norway Maple that is seasoning.  The rack on the right is empty.  

What does it mean?  It appears that we're burning FASTER than we did last year.  The biggest difference that *might* account for this pacing is that the 2 indoor racks were NOT full this season when the firewood arrived.  That meant that I first had to *fill* those.  

I'm going to be testing the Norway Maple to see if I can start blending some of that wood in along with the seasoned wood to extend the season.  We have 35-or-so more days to burn with probably one face cord left.


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