Tree Dreaming: Columnar Norway Spruce

Columnar Norway Spruce photo via The Tree Center
With Halloween in our rearview mirror and Christmas season in full swing, my time in the yard has mostly become leaf collection, branch pickup and walnut removal.  There's no planting going on right now, but that isn't keeping me from dreaming about next Spring and what we could add to Hornbeam Hill.  I've been painfully aware that I'm behind on planting conifers and have only planted three small ones.  The Fraser Fir was planted and lost this Summer.  Same with a small Canadian Hemlock.  Planted and lost this Summer.

But I also posted in late Summer of 2017 about a 'dream' tree.  It was a Weeping Cedar.  I came across it and fell in love.  After finding a small one at Home Depot, I splurged and bought it.  Brought it home and planted it in the backyard

This post is about another 'dream tree'.  I've dreamed/thought about a bunch of trees that I'd like to add over the previous year or so to our backyard.  I posted about a Dappled Willow that would be great in our yard, Hollywood Junipers that I'd like to topiary, wondered if these unique sky pencil holly plants would survive our winters, and day dreamed about our ability to plant our very favorite tree of all: the mighty Live Oak

The 'dream tree' in question today is the trees ou can see it in the photo at the top of this post:  a columnar Norway Spruce.  That pic is from The Tree Center.   But, the inspiration for the tree actually came from this recent blog post on Dirt Simple where Deborah Silver chronicled a recent project her team was taking on in Michigan.  As part of the landscape overhaul, she worked with a tree team who installed some large screening evergreens including some columnar Norway Spruce.  After reading the list of trees (besides the Columnar Norway Spruce, she also planted American Arborvitae and regular Norway Spruce), I went off on my way around the web trying to find out more about the columnar variety.

The Conifer Society has more details on this beauty:
Picea abies 'Cupressina' has the much-desired, narrow, fastigiate form in high demand for urban and boundary plantings where a strong vertical accent is required. Tends to be moderately fast-growing, and can better withstand snow loads than many other fastigiate types.
Lots to like there, right?   

Narrow.  Check.
Vertical accent.  Check.
Fast-growing.  Check.
Can withstand snow loads.  Check.

Looks like I have another tree added to our shopping list for Hornbeam Hill.  I can see a trio of these planted with their backs to the fence along the south side where we get some sun.  Or in an opening on the northside where I have to take down some scrub bushes/trees. 

The Tree Center sells 1 and 2 gallon plants, but they're not in stock right now.  I signed up to be 'notified' when they come back online in the Spring.  But, I'm thinking if this tree is popular enough, I might be able to come by a larger version at a local nursery.  Or even Home Depot - which is where I found my small Weeping Cedar this year. 


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