Fall Color Linden Tree Espalier - October 2022

The pair of Greenspire Linden Trees that are planted in a horizontal cordon espalier have held on to all of their leaves to date. They're just starting to turn yellow - see photo below - with a mix of green and yellow foliage across all four levels of the espalier. You'll note that some other plants - like the hostas - have gone dormant and turned yellow, while others (the Summer Beauty Allium on the bottom right) have remained green. The last time I showed this espalier was earlier this Summer (June), when the trees put on ALL of the leaves in a couple of weeks . If you look closely at the photo above, you'll see some growth on the top level that needs to be pruned back in late Winter as the top-level continues to try to establish a leader or leaders in normal-tree fashion. As measured this Summer, these are now BOTH over 3" caliper trees and have been in the ground here since August of 2017 . That's five years of growth here across the growing sea...