Three Seslaria Autumnalis Via Fall Dividing - November 2023

Fall is the right time to divide Seslaria.  And, I'm going to attempt to divide and transplant first-year Seslaria Autumnalis.  Why?  Because I've been so happy with them up front this year. 

I identified the three largest plants in front - like the one below - and dug up and split it in two.

I wanted to improve the ring around the tree-swing tree with something more interesting - so I moved the new divisions to sit in between the Christmas Tree hostas that I moved here last year.  These are behind the Summer Beauty Allium divisions from last year, too.   Below is a look at some of the divisions and where they went in the backyard.

I tucked the original plants back in, too.  Now they were just half-the-size.

There's a photo above of a TINY division.  I'm not counting that, so, we're calling this a +3 free plants for Fall Dividing.

I'm posting this in November 2023, but I did this dividing and transplanting in mid-October 2023.

My 2023 Fall Planting List - so far - includes a number of new and divided plants.  

Now up to 68 new plants.  And 16 new via division.  84 total for 2023 #FallPlanting.  30 of them are groundcover plants.  Eight sedums.


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