Agastache 'Blue Fortune' - Two Planted IB2DWs - November 2023

Another day, another award-winning perennial that takes me outside my foliage-gardening comfort zone.  This time, it is Agastache 'Blue Fortune'.  And I bought and planted a pair in the original IB2DWs bed in front of the Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses that make up the back border.  Just like with others...I know OF Agastache.  But, a quick spin online sold me on Blue Fortune.  From Bluestone:

Oodles of soft lavender-blue flowers are held over large deep-green, minty licorice-scented foliage. Unique bottle-brush like flowers of Agastache are very attractive. Leaves feature silver undersides. Exceptional performance in the sun-drenched garden. 
Low maintenance, tolerates heat and drought once established. Butterflies and hummingbirds love to sample the nectar rich blooms. 
2004 Great Plant Picks award winner.

Done and done.  I took the two they had. 

And put them in the IB2DWs bed amongst the Creeping Jenny and All Gold Hakenchloa Forest Grasses.  

I'm posting this in November 2023, but I did this dividing and transplanting in mid-October 2023.

My 2023 Fall Planting List - so far - includes a number of new and divided plants.  

Now up to 68 new plants.  And 10 new via division.  78 total for 2023 #FallPlanting.  30 of them are groundcover plants.  Eight sedums.


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